New iCabbi System Updates – Always Applied Automatically; Always Free of Charge… Request a Quote Contact Customer Support

New iCabbi System Updates – Always Applied Automatically; Always Free of Charge…


With a brand new year ahead of you, how confident are you that your current dispatch system is up-to-date and ready to deliver the efficiency, profitability, and growth you need?

How well equipped are you to attract (and keep) the drivers and customers you need to have a great 2020?

Many older dispatch systems are inefficient, and lack crucial features and badly needed updates.

Some dispatch system providers only provide updates at extra cost, and sometimes without warning, which can be a shock when unexpected invoices land on your desk.

But, with iCabbi it’s not like that…

System Updates the iCabbi Way…

At iCabbi, we believe that all our customers should get the latest updates applied without any disruption or hassle – and that they should be included completely free of charge. 

No surprise invoices; no hidden extras. No stress; no hassle.

That way, you get the tools, service and support you need to really take your business to the next level.

Here’s a summary of the latest updates iCabbi has released…

  1. Upload Site or Company Logos – personalise receipts and invoices with your logo
  2. Driver’s Panic Alarm – added security and peace of mind for your drivers
  3. Activate or Deactivate Drivers and Vehicles – control which drivers and vehicles can take bookings
  4. Overbooking Protection – preventing customer no-shows and cancellations during peak hours
  5. Site Receipts – multi-site businesses can now send site-based receipt emails

In some more detail…

1. Upload Site or Company Logos



With this new change, we’ve removed the requirement to host your logo externally and instead, you can now upload your logo directly to iCabbi.

Additionally, we have given users with multiple sites the ability to also upload individual site logos so that all invoices and receipts relating to that site will now display the logo uploaded to the site record.

2. Driver’s Panic Alarm Improvement

The Driver Panic Alarm can be activated directly from the Driver App or from a physical button located on the car.

However, under exceptional circumstances, the panic could be triggered multiple times by mistake, because of a faulty or damaged physical button, or because of an issue with the driver app.

This can cause the operator screen to be blocked multiple times and to prevent operators from working normally.

However, with a new ‘Suppress Panic’ option we’ve made available at driver record level, operators can temporarily suppress/clear any duplicate panic alarms for a maximum of 24 hours.

This means the issue can be reviewed and the operators will be able to work without having the screen blocked.

3. Activate or Deactivate Drivers and Vehicles

This feature helps with fleet management by allowing you to deactivate drivers and vehicles on a temporary or permanent basis from dispatch and over the API.

You can use this feature to stop drivers or vehicles from working for issues like non-payment or bad behaviour and is especially useful for companies that use external systems to management their fleet.

4. Overbooking Protection

image.With this new update, operators can configure and schedule overbooking limits per zone and time so that the system can automatically accept or reject a booking based on the real time capacity of the fleet.

This prevents a booking being accepted when there is a risk because of a low capacity in the fleet, or no available drivers, leading to customer no-shows or cancellations.

It also means that operators do not have to proactively monitor a zone and take manual intervention by blocking that zone when there’s increased traffic.

5. Site Receipts

Passenger receipts could previously be sent only from a general company email address, which represented an operational issue for multi-site companies.

With this latest update, it is now possible to configure a site-specific email address for sending passenger receipts, a general email address to be used for driver invoices only, and a separate email address for booking receipts.

Free Updates, New Features and Fixes

With iCabbi’s dispatch system, you can rest assured you’ll always receive the very latest updates, new features, and fixes – all without any extra upfront charges or the unexpected invoices that can be levied by other dispatch system providers.

That’s the iCabbi way!

To discover a new way of managing your business, why not request a free demonstration today?

Or if you have questions, please call us now on 01623 44 22 11 or send an email to and we’ll get back to you.